Lena is originally from the city of Chapeco in the state of Santa Catarina, Brazil. She moved to Guilderland in 2008 To raise a family with her husband Gregg. Lena’s love for the sisterhood of women and her deep spirituality led her to find a past time where she could connect with other women and find tranquility with nature.
She began taking classes at the Kripalu Center for Yoga & Health which sparked an interest to learn more. She obtained her yoga certification from Kripalu and also studied under Toni Bergins, MEd, developer of JourneyDance™ and Megha-Nancy Buttenheim M.A., founder of Let Your Yoga Dance: Grace in Motion®. Lena soon found her calling; to share the peace and positivity she found practicing yoga with others. Lena holds the following certifications to ensure that your session will be healthy & safe for your mind and body.

Kripalu Yoga is a challenging approach to the yoga practice focusing on meditation and breathing as you move through the flow of poses. As you practice this form of yoga, you will experience a gradual process of physical healing, psychological growth and spiritual awakening.

This 60 minute class combines the movement of dance with the mindfulness of yoga to release your creative energy. Everyone has the ability to dance and your spirit longs for it. It is negativity that makes us think we are awkward or not able. Don’t listen to the voice that says you can’t. In this class Lena will guide you, suggesting movements that anyone can do to get you started. She will teach you to focus on being aware of how your body is moving through space. Using lively music and gentle cues, Lena will have you swaying and moving in your own unique dance allowing your body and mind to heal through movement and breath.

Journey dance is more mindful, taking you on a journey where your movement is your own. The class becomes more like a modern dance extravaganza allowing you to feel the ebb and flow of the music and interpret it in your own way through the movement of you body. Lena becomes a facilitator helping you to channel your energy and to express it through your body and imagination. You will find your inner child and dance like no one is watching. If you long to just let go and play, feeling free and unencumbered, you will want to give this class a try.

Reiki is a Japanese technique for stress reduction and relaxation through touch. It promotes healing by channeling positive energy throughout the body. The word Reiki is made up of two Japanese words – Rei which means “God’s Wisdom or the Higher Power” and Ki which is “life force energy”. As a certified Reiki Master, Lena has been trained to activate the natural healing processes of the body and restore physical and emotional well-being. A Reiki treatment feels like a warm glow that flows through and around you. It is a simple, natural and safe method of spiritual healing and self-improvement that everyone can use. From every day stress to chronic illness, Reiki can be effective in the overall healing process and always creates a beneficial effect. It also works in conjunction with all other medical or therapeutic techniques to relieve side effects and promote recovery.

How do you know if you are ready to try a yoga class? What do you need? Well, actually you need very little. In fact, the less you bring, the better. What do I mean by that, you ask? You don’t need special clothes, anything loose and comfortable will do. You don’t need the problems your mind thinks need solving today. You don’t need that little voice in your head that says you are too this or too that. All you need is that little adventurer in you to stand up and say, I can spend 1 hour and focus on nothing else, but me. You can do this. You are ready.